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i Field description: Move mouse over icon | * This Field is required | + This Field IS visible on profile | - This Field IS NOT visible on profile
First Name: * -
Last Name: * -
Username: i * +
E-mail: i * -
Password: i * -
Verify Password: * -
Company: +
City: +
State: +
Zip Code: +
Country: +
Address: +
Phone #: +
Fax #: +
Street: * -
City: * -
Postal Code: * -
State/Province: -
Country: * +
Telephone: i -
Website URL (e.g. "www.imca.cc"): i +
Two IMCA members who recommend you: * -
eBay Username: i -
How long have you been collecting?: -
Favorite dealers/sources: -
Favorite types/locations of meteorites: -
Please provide us information regarding your interest in collecting of meteorites. For example how did you get started collecting, do you collect any particular type or classification, do you attend any meteorite shows or gatherings, etc.: * -
I have read and agree to abide by the terms of the IMCA Code of Ethics and ByLaws: i * -
The more information you give will facilitate our response. Only your name and e-mail address will be posted. All other information is for the IMCA's USE ONLY and will NOT be given out, shared, or sold.
i Field description: Move mouse over icon | * This Field is required | + This Field IS visible on profile | - This Field IS NOT visible on profile